Compartments of leg
Compartments of leg

compartments of leg

The leg, is the region of the lower limb between the knee and the ankle. Unlocks Knee by Rotating Femur Laterally During Knee Flexion.Posterior Surface of Tibia above Soleal Line.Lateral Aspect of Lateral Femoral Condyle.

compartments of leg

Tuberosity of Navicular Bone, Cuneiforms, Cuboid.Adjacent Posterior Surfaces of Tibia and Fibula.Posterior Surface of Inferior 2/3 of Fibula.Base of Distal Phalanges of Lateral Four Digits.Medial Part of Posterior Surface of Tibia Inferior to the Soleal Line.Achilles Tendon, Inserts on Posterior Surface of Calcaneus.Tendinous Arch Extending between these Structures.Posterior Aspect of Head of Fibula and Posterior Surface of Fibula.Posterior Surface of Calcaneus via the Calcaneal (Achilles) Tendon.Lateral Head: Lateral Aspect of Lateral Femoral Condyle.Medial Head: Popliteal Surface of Femur, Superior to Medial Femoral Condyle.Dorsal Surface of Tuberosity of 5th Metatarsal.Inferior 2/3 of Lateral Surface of the Fibula.Head and Superior 2/3 of Lateral Surface of Fibula.Inferior 1/3 of Anterior Surface of Fibula & Interosseous Membrane.Dorsal Aspect of Base of the Distal Phalanx of Great Toe.Middle Part of Anterior Surface of Fibular and Interosseous Membrane.Bases of Middle and Distal Phalanges of Digits 2-5.Lateral Condyle of Tibia and Superior 3/4 of Medial Surface of Fibula and Interosseous Membrane.Inferior Surface of the Medial Cuneiform and Base of 1st Metatarsal.Lateral Condyle & Superior Half of the Lateral Surface of the Tibia & Interosseous Membrane.

Compartments of leg